Promote compassion during economic challenges

In The midst of various global crises, including economic turmoil spurred by political and military conflicts, fostering compassion has become paramount. This sentiment resonates particularly strongly in Myanmar, where people are grappling with the economic fallout of soaring inflation rates. The resulting surge in commodity prices, especially for essential food items, has affected individuals across different socioeconomic strata.


The impact of escalating commodity prices is widespread, touching workers, employees, and business owners alike. The current predicament is exacerbated by the fact that businesses are struggling in the face of high inflation, making it difficult to provide salary increases for workers. Moreover, the depreciation of the My­anmar kyat currency has compounded the issue, pushing employees into the realm of diminished incomes. These income levels, once considered reasonable, are now inadequate due to the altered economic landscape.


In this critical juncture, it is incumbent upon all citizens to contemplate ways to sur­mount economic challenges and reconstruct their liveli­hoods. For employees, sev­eral avenues present them­selves: prudent budgeting in alignment with their incomes, considering additional employ­ment opportunities to augment family earnings, and explor­ing employment options for all adults within households, even if they are concurrently pursuing education.


Business owners, on the other hand, need to explore avenues that facilitate job creation.


This might involve seeking loans from pertinent institutions like banks and fi­nancial organizations to expand their enterprises. Simultaneously, they must channel substantial investments toward procuring raw materials for relevant industries to ramp up production. Crucially, given the prevailing crisis, entrepreneurs must explore strategies to minimize profit margins on product sales.


At the core of every action should lie compassion. Both business operations and labour should be guided by compassion. Employers and employees alike need to cultivate a sense of compassion and benevolence across all spheres. By tempering greed, they can nav­igate challenges more effectively. A comprehensive understanding of the factors driving high inflation — global gold prices, fuel costs, and essential commodities — is crucial. Nurturing a collective spirit to safeguard the welfare of all citizens from the onslaught of exorbitant prices is imperative.


In encountering economic crises, unity is paramount. Individuals must embrace the belief that a more favourable future is attainable, where economic issues are surmounted, and prosperity becomes tangible. However, prior to reaching this endpoint, the people of Myanmar must extend compassionate assistance to one another. By doing so, they can overcome the trials of daily life and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.