Promote societal health and happiness through air pollution mitigation

Air pollution, stemming from both natural processes and hu­man activities, poses a significant threat to global well-being. Emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases trigger air pollution, with the concentration of these gases in the atmosphere being a key factor in such occurrences.


In many developing and underdeveloped nations throughout the world, waste disposal sites are commonly situated outside urban areas. However, the expansion of farmland reclamation and public residences often encroach upon these dump sites. This encroachment results in the release of noxious odours and hazardous gases into the air, posing a constant threat to the health of the population.


A report from the World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the grim consequences of air pollution, revealing that household air pollution claimed the lives of over 423,000 individuals glob­ally in 2019, while outdoor air pollution led to 236,000 deaths. Alarmingly, a significant por­tion of these casualties con­sisted of vulnerable groups such as children and older individuals.


Researchers underscore that over 50 per cent of deaths among the elderly can be at­tributed to outdoor air pollu­tion. Household air pollution, stemming from activities like outdoor cooking, the use of firewood and charcoal, and smoking, further exacerbates health risks. Additionally, emissions from construction sites, businesses, industries, and vehicles release carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, leading to respiratory diseas­es. Major cities worldwide witness dense emissions of carbon oxide gas from gener­ators, factories, and sewage drains.


In response, responsible authorities are relocating dump sites to the outskirts of cities, constantly changing their locations again and again to maintain a safe distance from residential areas. Simultaneously, these authorities are undertaking initiatives such as planting trees and flowers to mitigate air pollution and reduce health risks.


It is important for everyone to refrain from activities that stipu­late air pollution, including the release of smog and dust in various contexts. Globally, countries must prioritize the reduction of fossil fuel usage, a primary contributor to air pollution. Active partici­pation in preventive measures, such as afforestation campaigns and the reduction of inappropriate gas emissions, is essential for a healthier environment for all.


Every member of society plays a crucial role in nurturing an environment free from dangers and ensuring the well-being and happiness of its inhabitants. By collectively striving to eliminate air pollution, individuals contribute to the improvement of their own health and the overall vitality of the community. From now on, everybody needs to launch an air pollution mitigation campaign as much as possible.