Public talks on scourge of drugs conducted in Kyunhla

Kyunhla 26 June

Public talks titled “Youth and Scourge of Narcotic Drugs” jointly organized by the Township IPRD and Education Department, was conducted at the meeting hall of B.E.H.S in the town of Kyunhla, Kantbalu District, Sagaing Region yesterday.

First of all, an official from the Township GAD delivered an opening speech.

 Afterwards, an official from the Township IPRD clarified the purpose of the talks. 
Afterwards, Police Inspector Aung Kyaw Moe from the Township Police Station, the Township Law officer Daw Htway Htway Naing, Assistant Health officer Dr Aung Soe Moe of the Township Health Department discussed about Youth and Scourge of Narcotic Drugs and answered queries raised by those present on the occasion.

Afterwards, Headmistress Daw Khin Thidar San spoke words of thanks on behalf of students and teachers.—Myo Win Nyo, Kyunhla
Translated by JT