Pyithu Hluttaw raises queries about women affairs, calls for preparing AFTA

February 21, 2020

The Pyithu Hluttaw’s 15th regular session held its 9th day meeting yesterday, with questions to the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Health and Sports and the Ministry of Construction.

The MPs also discussed preparing the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) in implementing the ASEAN Economic Community.

The Hluttaw also approved recommendations of Bill Committee for bylaws of Pyithu Hluttaw Election, Amyotha Hluttaw Election and State/Region Hluttaw Election.

Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Tun Tun Hein announced approval of Hluttaw for the substitutions of Tatmadaw MPs in the committees; Brig-Gen Win Moe for Brig-Gen Zaw Win in International Relations Committee, Brig-Gen Zaw Win for Col Soe Lwin in Citizens’ Fundamental Rights Committee, Brig-Gen Thet Tun Aung for Col Khin Maung Tun in Electricity and Energy Development Committee, and Brig-Gen Aung Zaw Hlaing for Col Soe Win in Public Affairs Management Committee.


Women care center in Twantay Township

MP U Myint Lwin from Twantay constituency asked about upgrade of women care centre to a training school for social development of women’s lives.

Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Soe Aung replied that the centre will be developed into a new facility for the women sex workers under the prostitute law which is being drafted by the ministry to amend the Suppression of Prostitution Act 1949.

The Deputy Minister added that the new law could help the sex workers with their livelihoods, physical and mental rehabilitation, vocational education and services in health and legal affairs.

MP Dr Daw Khin Nyo from Dedaye constituency asked about early implementation of 14.6 mile long road in her constituency.

Deputy Minister for Construction Dr Kyaw Lin replied the remaining 11.3 mile of the road will be finalized depending on availability of proposed budget for 2020-2021 financial year.

MP U Myint Oo from Thanatpin constituency asked for getting back the surplus budgets which were not spent by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health and Sports in the 2018-2019 financial year.

Deputy Minister for Education U Win Maw Tun replied that the Department of Higher Education returned nearly K 5 billion for the 12 unfinished projects in the previous FY, and these budgets will be asked to finalize the projects.

He added that the Department of Basic Education also returned K15.6 billion for the 100 pending projects, and these budgets will also be requested for the 2019-2020 FY.

He also explained the Ministry of Health and Sports will apply for the additional budgets for 2019-2020 FY, and 2020-2021 FY.

MP U Aye Naing from Dagon Myothit (South) constituency asked about upgrade of No.10 Middle School to the level of high school in his constituency.

Deputy Ministry U Win Maw Tun replied upgrade of the school will be allowed in 2020-2021 academic year.

MP U Sein Myint from Myingyan constituency asked about construction of a new building for township education officer in his constituency.

The Deputy Minister also replied the requirement of land permit for constructing the new building before budget allocation for it.

MP U Sein Aung from Paletwa constituency asked about upgrade of the remaining 31 mile road section on Matupi-Paletwa motorway. Deputy Minister Dr Kyaw Lin replied it.

MP Daw Khin Than Nu from Mindon constituency asked about the plan and legal action of Ministry of Education against the contracted company for the early damaged classrooms at the High School which was constructed in her constituency in 2016-2017 FY. Deputy Minister U Win Maw Tun replied it. MP U Tin Maung Win from Seikkan constituency tabled a motion, suggesting the Union government for coordination of relevant ministries, to prepare for the list of 1,000 major products of Myanmar with the country’s standards and specifications that will be included in the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement for the ASEAN Economic Community, while the other ASEAN countries have enlisted from 3,000 to 10,000 items of their products.

MP U Ne Phue Ba Swe from Pabedan constituency supported the motion.

The Deputy Speaker then announced unanimous support of Hluttaw to discuss the motion, and he also invited the names of MPs who want to discuss the motion.

MP U Kyaw Soe Lin, the Secretary of Bill Committee, presented recommendations of Bill Committee regarding the fifth regulations submitted by the Union Election Commission to amend the Pyithu Hluttaw Election Bylaws. The report was discussed by the MPs and the Bill Committee, and approved by the Hluttaw with agreement of UEC.

The Deputy Speaker then announced to approve recommendations for the fifth regulations to amend the Pyithu Hluttaw Election Bylaws.

MP U Nay Myo Tun, the member of Bill Committee, submitted the recommendations of Bill Committee for the bylaws. The suggested issues were discussed by the Hluttaw MPs and Bill Committee.

The report was discussed by the MPs and the Bill Committee, and approved by the Hluttaw with agreement of UEC.

The Deputy Speaker then announced to approve recommendations for the fifth regulations to amend the Amyotha Hluttaw Election Bylaws.

The Hluttaw also approved the fifth regulations to amend the State/Region Hluttaw Election Bylaws.

The 11th day of Pyithu Hluttaw will be held on 24 February.—Aye Aye Thant (MNA)(Translated by Aung Khin)