REVEALING the costumes of the 37 spirits is aimed at connecting them with the costumes of Myanmar peo­ple from all periods, said My­anmar artisan Ko Htake Tin Sithu Hein.


He is now photographing the models with these cos­tumes made by referencing ‘The Thirty-Seven Nats by Sir Richard Carnac Temple’ and other sources.


“Most Myanmar people have seen dresses of the Konbaung dynasty. What we reintroduce are those from Taungoo, Inwa and Tagaung periods. Myanmar will know the costumes of different peri­ods by learning the dresses of these 37 spirits. Many people like our intention. They sent letters to congratulate us and say they are happy,” he said.


Among them, the cos­tumes of Min Mahagiri, Man­dalay Bodaw and Shintaw Nats have been filmed and they will continue filming an­other three next week.


“The costumes of Min Mahagiri, Mandalay Bodaw and Shintaw Nats have been filmed and we will continue with another three. We film according to the ancient Para­baik like holding swords and spears. The Min Mahagiri mostly seen as a ministeri­al dress is reintroduced in the same clothes as in the Pyu and Tagaung periods. We will continue with filming Htiphyusaung, Htiphyusaung Maetaw and Minkhaung Nats next week,” he said. — Thit Taw/ZN