Republic of the Union of Myanmar Office of the President Message of Greetings sent by President U Win Myint on the occasion of the 71st Anniversary celebrations of Kachin State Day

10 January


Dear esteemed ethnic brothers and sisters living in Kachin State, 


Today, the 10th of January is the 71st anniversary of Kachin State Day, a day of great importance, blessed with significance and auspiciousness for all ethnic brothers and sisters living in Kachin State.


I am very happy to have this opportunity to extend this message of greetings to this event of great importance and significance. At the same time I send good wishes to all ethnic brothers and sisters living in friendship and harmony in Kachin State as well as to all those brothers and sisters living all across our Union for their auspiciousness and wellbeing.


After gaining independence on 10th January 1948, at the very first Kachin State Council meeting, the Kachin State Government was formed. Thus 10th January, the date on which the Kachin State Government was established has been designated as “Kachin State Day” and celebrated annually and this year marks the 71st anniversary.


The Ayeyawady river which is the life blood of Myanmar has its source in this place which is rich with valuable natural resources, has snow-capped mountains and beautiful natural environments. Kachin State is the home of not only the Kachin, Shan and Myanmar racial groups but also a state where other ethnic national races have all been living together cordially in close friendship.


As a consequence and result of the internal armed conflicts which have not ended, the image and development of our country is still at a low level among the countries of the world and in the region. This is a fact known by all. In our country which is so diverse, it is my belief that armed conflicts will end and our Union will endure in perpetuity only when all national races are able to coexist in harmony and equality. That is why, in accordance with this belief, our Union government has been striving for the establishment of a Union based on democracy and a federal system in order to get national reconciliation and durable internal peace.


I want all of you to visualize how much Kachin State will develop significantly with momentum within a period of ten years if armed conflicts cease in Kachin State. Ethnic nationals within Kachin State have been hoping for many years to realize their dream of a peaceful, happy and developed Kachin State. All are waiting to see representatives of Kachin State participate in the Union Peace Conference - 21st Century Panglong meetings.


Now is the opportune time for all ethnic nationals to take lessons from their past experiences. All ethnic nationals should work in unity for the total cessation of internal armed conflicts and achievement of genuine durable peace with the spirit of brotherly and sisterly love.


I wish to solemnly urge all ethnic brothers and sisters living in Kachin State to strive with firm Union spirit and unity, and hands joined firmly together, as we walk on the path of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar towards establishment of a Democratic Federal Union.


I send this Message of Greetings and good wishes in friendship and cordiality on this auspicious and significant occasion of Kachin State Day to all those living in Kachin State for their happiness and wellbeing and with the hope that they would be able to build the Democratic Federal Union successfully.


(Win Myint)