Seasoning chicken powder shortage spurs price increase

Monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is used in cooking as a seasoning powder, has been sold well in the market, and chicken powder prices have been on the rise due to the shortage of supply, according to groceries.


Chicken powder, which is the favourite sea­soning powder for housewives, has been in short supply in the market, and because of it, MSG sales have increased.


“A small pack of chicken powder is worth K350, up from K200. It has been a month since the price climbed up. Chicken powder has been in short supply in the market. So, homemakers who enjoy using chicken powder in cooking have to choose MSG. It has been a month since big packs of chicken powder have been available in the market,” said the owner of San San Win grocery.


Chicken powder is mainly imported from Thailand, and despite there being other types of seasoning powder, housewives have now chosen MSG again.


“Previously, I used chicken powder, but now I have to switch to MSG because I can’t find and buy chicken powder. Just small packs of chicken power are available. I used to use MSG before, so I use it again now,” said a homemaker.


However, there are different seasoning pow­ders, such as chicken powder, fish seasoning powder, and vegetable seasoning powder, which are available at supermarkets and groceries. Chicken powder is the most consumed season­ing. — Thit Taw/ZS