The Secrets of Sleep in Transformative Technologies

By Yin Nwe Ko


Sleep is a biological need. However, a poet known as Samuel Taylor Coleridge composed, “Oh, Sleep. It’s a gentle thing loved from pole to pole. Is sleep poetic as he said? Is sleep a complex matter of what we cannot guess? In this article, my esteemed readers are going to become understand it soon.


Many people experience a terrible feeling after a night of bad sleep: tiredness, grumpi­ness, difficulty concentrating, and slow reactions. Luckily, catching up on sleep the next day can usually fix these issues. However, if sleep troubles per­sist, it can lead to serious health problems like obesity, diabetes, and depression.


The amount of sleep each person needs varies, but most adults require seven to nine hours each night. Sadly, many people don’t consistently meet this target. The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention reports that about a third of US adults don’t get enough sleep dai­ly, and around 20 per cent suffer from chronic sleep issues.


According to Mark George at the Medical University of South Carolina, lack of sleep is a significant problem, and find­ing a solution would be great. While there are many apps and gadgets claiming to monitor and improve sleep, recent advance­ments in brain stimulation offer a new approach. Devices that directly interact with brainwaves promise to hack sleep for a better night’s rest.


Consumer sleep technology emerged in 2005 with Zeo’s head­band, but it folded in 2012. Fit­bit then introduced its Tracker, claiming to measure sleep. Other devices, like smartphone apps and bedside gadgets, followed. By 2015, almost a quarter of US consumers owned sleep-tracking technology. In 2020, experts con­sidered the market saturated.


The goal of these devices is to record sleep duration and quality, offering feedback to help users improve. In sleep labs, pol­ysomnography (PSG) achieves this by using an electroencepha­logram (EEG) machine to record brain activity, along with devices tracking eye movements, muscle tension, heart rhythm, breathing patterns, and blood oxygen lev­el. Specialists later analyze the data, breaking down sleep into 30-second segments called ep­ochs to determine wakefulness or sleep stages like rapid eye movement (REM) or non-REM sleep.


The gold standard for meas­uring sleep is polysomnography (PSG), but it has drawbacks. PSG is expensive, takes a lot of time, can only be done in a lab, and may disturb sleep. It requires experts to operate and interpret data, leading to inconsistent re­sults.


An alternative is actigraphy, using wristbands with acceler­ometers to track physical activity during the night. While it reliably distinguishes between wakeful­ness and sleep, it can’t identify different sleep stages and often overestimates sleep duration. Despite these limitations, actig­raphy is useful outside the lab over multiple nights.


Early consumer sleep-track­ing technologies were based on actigraphy. Some added ther­mometers, heart-rate monitors, and pulse oximeters to enhance accuracy. However, these indi­cators are only substitutes for brain activity.


Though early devices fell short of lab-grade tracking, re­cent studies show improvement. In a 2020 study, seven commer­cial devices were tested against lab-grade equipment in a sleep lab, and most performed as well as or better than actigraphy.


Real-world comparisons were lacking until a recent study led by Evan Chinoy at the US Naval Health Research Centre. They had 21 people wear four de­vices — two wristbands, a watch, and a ring — day and night, along with a research-grade actigra­phy monitor and an EEG head­band at night. Participants lived normally for a week, and the re­searchers analyzed data from devices like the Fatigue Science ReadiBand, Fitbit Inspire HR, Polar Vantage V Titan, and the Oura Ring.


Overall, all four devices performed well in detecting sleep versus wakefulness and sleep efficiency. Sleep efficiency measures the percentage of time spent asleep in bed and ideally should be around 90 per cent, according to Michael Grandner of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Ar­izona.


While collecting accurate sleep data is helpful, acting on it is a different challenge. Many sleep devices offer coaching based on collected data, but, as Grandner notes, a sleep track­er is not a sleep improvement program.


Some newer devices, like the Eight Sleep smart mattress, go further by cooling down for sleep and warming up for waking. The Smart Nora pillow detects snor­ing and adjusts the head position to open the airway.


Responsive interventions to sleep include Kokoon head­phones, which monitor heart rate with infrared light. When detecting sleep onset, they fade audio and mask disturbances with nature sounds or pink noise.


The real-world benefits of sleep trackers are unclear. A small trial with WHOOP wrist­bands showed improved per­ceived sleep quality but reduced sleep duration, possibly due to advised sleep reduction. How­ever, small gains may not sig­nificantly impact those without major sleep issues.


Population-level data sug­gests limited progress in over­all sleep quality. The US Sleep Health Index scores have only slightly increased over the years, indicating modest improve­ments.


There’s concern that the use of sleep trackers might backfire, leading to obsession and ironical­ly causing insomnia.


Despite challenges, a new phase in consumer sleep technol­ogy is emerging. Research-grade sleep trackers, like the Sleep Profiler and Dreem headband, combine PSG details with actig­raphy convenience. The Sleep Profiler, FDA-approved, records EEG, heart rate, muscle tone, eye/body movement, and sound in a headband. The Dreem head­band, backed by a study, matched PSG results in 2020, signalling potential advancements in at-home gold-standard sleep track­ing.


There are exciting devel­opments in sleep technology, including EEG sensors placed in or around the ears. While not as sensitive as lab-based PSG sensors, these devices reliably identify sleeping brainwaves, indicating the sleep stage.


Manufacturers recognize the commercial potential of such devices. Sleep Profiler and Dreem, for instance, have showcased consumer versions. Philips also tested a similar headband named Smartsleep, showing a positive effect on sleep quality. However, Philips seems to have discontinued the product.


A significant breakthrough is the Dreem 2 headband. It not only tracks sleep using EEG, ac­tigraphy, and a pulse sensor but also intervenes when it detects the wearer exiting deep sleep too early. By transmitting vibrations through the skull to the inner ear, perceived as pulses of pink noise, the headband nudges the brain back into deep sleep. This builds on the science that well-timed bursts of noise can enhance deep sleep.


Deep sleep, also known as slow-wave sleep, is the most restorative phase. In 2006, re­searchers at the University of Lubeck in Germany demonstrat­ed its hackability. They applied electrical currents during deep sleep, leading to increased deep sleep and improved memory. Later, teams explored magnet­ic fields, sound, and touch for similar effects, though the re­sults were weak. Ian Born, part of the Lubeck team, highlights the brain’s own rhythm’s unpre­dictability. Their “closed-loop” stimulation, applying auditory bursts when the EEG detects spontaneous slow waves, result­ed in stronger and longer deep sleep enhancement and better memory improvements.


These advancements hold promise for improving sleep quality by influencing deep sleep patterns. As technology contin­ues to evolve, we may see more accessible and effective tools for enhancing our sleep expe­riences.


The Dreem 2’s success in enhancing deep sleep has been widely acknowledged since its 2013 publication. Although the Dreem 2 was discontinued, closed-loop technology is being incorporated into other proto­type wearables and consumer sleep headbands.


In a clinical trial led by Car­oline Lustenberger at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technolo­gy, older adults using an EEG headband called SleepLoop ex­perienced improved deep sleep during stimulation periods. How­ever, responses varied among participants, demonstrating that the technology can benefit some older adults.


For younger individuals, evidence is mixed. Alexandra Puchkova from the Russian Academy of Sciences tested Dreem devices on herself and a small group aged 20 to 40 in 2019. Results varied, with some reporting improvements and oth­ers struggling to adapt. Puchk­ova, while undecided about its personal effects, acknowledges the potential but awaits more conclusive results.


Earable Neuroscience in Boulder, Colorado, offers the FRENZ Brainband, a closed-loop headband that speeds up sleep onset by 24 minutes, as per recent results. Available for preorder at US$490, its future re­mains uncertain, but closed-loop sleep systems show promise.


Despite uncertainties, many believe in the potential of this sleep stimulation technol­ogy. Puchkova expresses high hopes for closed-loop systems, emphasizing their potential to improve sleep in the long run. The continuous development of such technologies holds promise for enhancing sleep experiences, bringing us closer to achieving better and more restful nights.


Now, there is a query. Is sleep poetic or biological?

Reference: New Scientist 25 Nov 2023