Esteemed ethnic nationals,

Today turns one year of our State Administration Council in discharging State responsibilities.

First and foremost,

I disperse my wish to all ethnic nationals to be free from the COVID-19 pandemic and to have physical and mental wellbeing.

Esteemed ethnic national people,

I’d like to present the situations of Tatmadaw to take State responsibilities-

It is a general election in Myanmar to select representatives to the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Amyotha Hluttaw and region and state Hluttaw once in five years.

The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw formed with those Hluttaw representatives and Defence Services personnel representatives elect vice-presidents and among them, President of the State. President formed the government and approved the appointment of the Chief Justice of the Union and the Judges of the Supreme Court. As heads and those who participated in the legislative, executive and judicial estates are directly or indirectly elected and assigned through the election, the multiparty democracy general election is the foundation of the democracy and political system of Myanmar. It is very important.

Hence, the election must be genuine and clean as well as able to express the people’s desire. I have expressed my opinion to be a “free and fair election” related to the 2020 election 24 times at the ceremonies before and after the elections and issued the official press releases. Moreover, the statements were issued for 10,482,116 voting fraud (more than 10 million, which was one-fourth of all voters) scrutinized by the Tatmadaw as of 23 December.

As these voting frauds terribly cause the genuine, disciplined multiparty democracy, the Tatmadaw and political parties legally requested the UEC, then the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and then the Government to solve the problem. Without daring to address the voting fraud, the attempts to convene the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on 1 February 2021 were designed to forcefully seize the State responsibilities under Section 417 of the Constitution. Consequently, these may cause unprecedented difficulties on the path of democracy of the State. So, the State of Emergency was declared and State responsibilities were taken.

Esteemed ethnic nationals

After taking State responsibilities, our government has undertaken “the reconstitution of the Union Election Commission as the first point of the Five-Point Road Map and carried out the appropriate tasks, including the inspection of the voter lists under the law”. In inspecting 315 townships where the election was held, a total of 11,305,390 voting frauds (more than 11.3 million), including casting votes by 4,648,270 persons (more than 4.6 million) without citizenship scrutiny cards, voting of 14,412 persons under 18 years old, 20,566 persons above 100 years, repeated voting of 3,891,611 persons for twice and thrice were found.

Our country has held multiparty democracy elections in 2010 and 2015. Some electoral complaints out of the elections were eased in solving the problems. In the 2020 election, relevant bodies and persons did not dare to address the worse voting frauds. These events caused lessening the emphasis on the exercises of just 10-year multiparty democracy of our country. These were very repulsive attempts. Hence, action is being taken against those who harmed the election under the existing laws. The government is striving for the implementation of the pledge to hold the election as much as possible after the State of Emergency. As it is the general election of the State, it is necessary to arrange casting votes conveniently not to lose the democratic rights. Among 330 townships across the nation, the 2020 election was held in 325 townships, the 2015 election in 323 townships and the 2020 election in 315 townships. In this regard, the number of townships where the election was held the least and it was boisterous dissatisfaction. Only when the election can be held in a peaceful and stable situation will the people cast votes freely. It will be a free and fair election. So, I’d like to urge all the ethnic national people to participate in the endeavours in peace and stability measures of the government.

Esteemed ethnic nationals,

I’d like to continue the presentation about the government’s political measures after taking State responsibilities:

After declaring the State of Emergency on 1 February 2021, I explained addressing the current political situations under the law to the Hluttaw representatives under monitoring at the Sibin Yeiktha in Nay Pyi Taw and allowed them to be released to their respective regions from 2 to 4 February. It was an act of giving them the right to do things under the law.

The State Administration Council was equally constituted with Tatmadaw members and civilians (including all ethnic nationals) in line with the democratic practices on 2 February. The administration bodies from the state/region level to township/ward/village level under the leadership of the civilians.

The National Unity and Peace Restoration Coordination Committee, the Work Committee and the Coordination Committee were formed to carry out the tasks to ensure national unity and perpetual peace. Our coordination committee has met NCA signatory ethnic armed organizations 16 times, non-NCA signatory EAOs nine times, political parties seven times and the religious leaders and peace negotiators two times, totalling 34.

Tatmadaw issued 20 statements for a ceasefire from 21 December 2018 to 28 February 2022. A joint declaration after the meeting with the Cambodian Prime Minister in early 2022 mentioned that the ceasefire will last for the end of this year.

To be able to do so, I made 17 tours of regions and states, gave instructions and guidance and coordinated measures on the long-term plans of the future.

Ethnic national members of the State Administration Council joining hands with us have made 29 trips to respective areas for fulfilling the requirements of these areas.

Esteemed ethnic nationals,

Our country is one of the Least Development Countries. Every nation is making efforts in its development. At the same time, we could not stop but endeavour to develop our country by utilizing the human resources and strengths of all ethnic nationals. If we stop other countries will go past our country. Thus, further priorities of our government are: -

Priority will be given to ensure the prosperity of the nation and food sufficiency as two national tasks.

As two political processes, we will strengthen the genuine, disciplined multiparty democracy and build the Union based on democracy and federalism.

Concerning measures on the sustainability of peace and sovereignty, the year 2022 is of great importance. Coming 12th February will be Diamond Jubilee Union Day and the 4th January 2023 will be Diamond Jubilee Independence Day. As such, it is important to ensure the strengthening of the sovereignty of the State and the fruitful development of the nation. So, we would like to start new steps for the restoration of peace this year. As it has been mentioned in the Five-Point Road Map, I have expressed my wish to invite all relevant organizations to talk about peace in my New Year message of greetings in 2022. So, I’d like to add one more that we are always ready for peace.

Federalism is a concept to share the authority with regions, states, ethnics and national races in unison, and it is integration as well as sharing of rights. Political parties, including ethnic parties, are representing the people. Hence, they have diversities, and it is necessary to realize the Proportional Representation (PR) so as to have a wider scale of representation. No matter how different the concepts of federalism are, we have to select the political system in harmony with the country. It is necessary to implement the wish of the majority in democracy as well as to emphasize the wish of the minority. In sharing the three Powers, the power must be shared among the Union, regions and states under the Constitution to enable the regions and states to have the rights of self-administration under the Constitution.

Thanks to exercising the PR system, ethnic national people would have to get more representation at the legislative Hluttaw as well as would have rights of expression. Moreover, they have to enjoy the right of effectively serving the interests of their regions and ethnic nationals.

In building the Union based on democracy and federalism, the Union Election Commission held meetings with political parties and interested persons four times to exercise the Proportional Representation-PR for all ethnic nationals from regions and states to enjoy the equal term of rights.

Esteemed ethnic nationals,

There were 4,648,270 voters without citizenship scrutiny cards in the 2020 election. Hence, the “Pankhinn” project is being implemented as an operation starting from 3 May 2021 to issue household registration and any identity to all (legal citizens) inclusive of the 1982 Myanmar Citizenship Law. Among 3,491,364 people (more than 3.4 million) to be registered, the cards have been issued to 1,905,843 people (about two million) till 21 January 2022, accounting for 55 per cent. The registration period will last for 18 months.

Esteemed ethnic nationals,

Regarding foreign relations of our country:

Our government upholds the active independent and non-aligned foreign policy aimed at world peace and friendly relations with nations and the principles of peaceful coexistence among nations. It is clearly mentioned in Section 41 of the Constitution. I have been focusing on good international relations in the first one-year period. On my first trip, I attended the ASEAN Leader Summit held in Jakarta of Indonesia on 24 April 2021. As the second trip, I left for Russia for the 9th International Security Conference held in Russia from 20 to 27 June 2021 and the ceremony to confer the honorary professor of the Military Academy of Russia on me. Our Myanmar has friendly countries only but enemy countries. Even though the country is hostile to our country, we will strive for changing their mindsets and to enhance friendship as much as possible.

We decide to establish peaceful and friendly neighbouring relations to be perpetually tranquil and stable border regions in relations with the neighbouring countries. We will sustain further strengthening of good neighbouring relations which has been existed in successive eras.

In early this year, the meeting focused on the five-point consensus of the ASEAN Leader Meeting on the goodwill visit of the Cambodian Prime Minister to Myanmar. We discussed the suspension of terrorism by those involved in the terrorrist acts and enhancement of the peace process among ethnic armed organizations-EAOs. Moreover, we will accept the plan to cooperate in the provision of humanitarian aid of ASEAN. Hence, the visit brought good and significant results to the country. The joint declaration related to the visit has been released.

In holding talks with the ASEAN al ternate chair through videoconferencing on 26 January, we discussed the participation of Myanmar in the ASEAN, needs of ASEAN countries to do constructive cooperation, plans of Myanmar to do the best cooperation, sending of ASEAN special envoy to Myanmar and the visit of the UN Secretary-General’s special envoy to Myanmar. I’d like to inform the people that we will cooperate with the international community without harming the sovereignty of the State, national interests and the future plans of the government.

Esteemed ethnic nationals,

In respect of the situation of peace and stability measures before Tatmadaw has taken State responsibilities.

It was the situation opposing the UEC for its absence to address the voting frauds and requests of political parties to solve them. So, it was a time of political instability. As the request of 203 Hluttaw representatives to discuss the unfinished issues at the Second Hluttaw so as to solve the voting frauds under the Constitution was refused in accord with Section 84 of the Constitution, the legislative estate started deterioration and then the stability was lost through the disputes.

After Tatmadaw has taken State responsibilities,

The State of Emergency was politically declared, and State responsibilities were taken. From 1 to 3 February, no protest was staged across the nation. As of 4 February, 20 protesters staged the CDM activity by organizing departmental personnel who broke ethics in front of the University of Medicine in Mandalay.

On 5 February, those who had no right to standing as Hluttaw representatives formed an unlawful committee namely the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and transformed the situations from the riots to the anarchic mobs. Security forces managed to control it with the least strength at the lowest level. The terrorist group CRPH named the 27 March as the Public Revolution Day and mobilized the occurrence of the terror attacks across the nation. It started terrorism to cause utter devastation. The unlawful CRPH formed the parallel government called NUG to provide assistance for terrorist attacks and to lead these movements.

Extremist NLD members and their followers utilize the youths to urge them to attend the military training in EAO areas such as KNU, KIA and KNPP areas. CRPH, NUG and PDF terrorist groups declared the acceleration of terrorist acts on 7 September and committed terrorist attacks as war crimes in some parts of Chin State, Magway Region, Sagaing Region and Kayah State. Those crime-committing terrorists staying among civilians perpetrate attacks. So the Tatmadaw, in difficulty, controlled the tasks not to harm the innocent people. Those terrorists commit attacks with the use of homemade mines and bombs on a wider scale with the training and assistance of some EAOs.

Due to acts of terrorists, a large number of public and government buildings, including 525 roads and bridges, 27 hospitals and clinics, 504 schools and educational buildings were destroyed across the nation from 1 February 2021 to 20 January 2022. With regard to casualties, 20 members of the Sangha and 95 government service personnel were dead in the incidents and civilians, including 153 government service personnel, were injured. There were 9,437 terrorist attacks the whole year with seizures of 5,606 assorted arms, 161,556 rounds of ammunition, 1,890 grenades and 11,424 homemade mines and bombs in addition to arresting 4,338 terrorists.

Esteemed ethnic nationals,

 I’d like to explain measures on the education sector.

Every country accepts that human resource is crucial for the sustainable development of the nation. The human resource depends on “knowledge”. According to Section 28 of our Constitution (2008), the State shall implement the compulsory primary education system. Section 366 stipulates “Every citizen, in accord with the educational policy laid down by the Union: (a) has the right to education; and (b) shall be given basic education which the Union prescribed by law as compulsory”.

According to our interim census enumerated in 2019, there were some 18.2 million adults above 25 years who missed the chance to learn the middle school education and lower level, which was one-third of the total population of the nation. Hence, emphasis is being placed on the enhancement of the education sector. There are 6,178 basic education high schools, 15,877 basic education middle schools, and 25,705 basic education primary schools, totalling 47,760 across the nation. These schools were closed due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. As now we can control the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have been reopened. In so doing, a total of 5,209 basic education high schools, 12,786 basic education middle schools and 21,247 basic education primary schools, totally of 39,242 have been reopened. At the opening of the schools, more than 80 per cent of the enrolled ones are attending the schools. As declared, we will hold the final examination in the last week of March and the first week of April. So, I’d like to inform the students and parents not to lose their rights in the delay of attending the schools. We are welcoming to all. Learning the education is not for the government but the improvement of their lives. In this regard, so-called NUG, CRPH and PDF terrorists commit incitements not to attend the schools, causing the offspring of the people uneducated and the nation and the people enslaved.

The government is striving for arranging the plans for all school-age children to finish the learning of KG+9 (middle school level). Only when they complete the KG+9 level can they change learning to vocational training. The KG+9 is just an educational aim of the government. As education is playing a key role in Myanmar’s democracy and future of the nation, citizens need to emphasize not missing the chance of learning.

Esteemed ethnic nationals,

I’d like to present measures of the health sector.

About the health sector, my policy is that “if one is healthy, one can work. If one is healthy, one can learn”. As such, health is playing a pivotal role among the people. COVID-19 pandemic was found in our country on 23 March 2020. During the highest infection period in the third and fourth weeks of July, some 5,000 people on average were infected per day, accounting for 41 per cent. I adopted the policy that “Do it speedily and practically; nothing is more important than the human life”. Our government performed prevention, control and treatment activities of COVID-19 in various ways day and night.

Led by myself, the meetings of the Central Committee for Prevention, Control and Treatment of COVID-19 were held 13 times to coordinate with region and state chief ministers through videoconferencing to arrange the necessary logistic measures. The COVID-19 control and response committee meetings were led by the Deputy Prime Minister three times a week to closely fulfil the requirements.

To cut off the chains of COVID-19 infection, a total of 119 townships were declared as stay-at-home locations. At present, all those townships have been removed from the list of stay-at-home programmes. Now, there is no township in the stay-at-home programme. Our government could overcome criticism and disturbances of the international community and destructionists. At present, the infectious percentage of COVID-19 is found around one per cent.

Regarding the spending of the fund of out prevention, control and treatment of COVID-19, US$ 75 million was spent on the purchase of 15.4 million doses of vaccine from India, US$193.9 million on 29 million doses of vaccine from the People’s Republic of China and US$7.74 million on 0.6 million doses from Russian, totalling US$276.64 million. A total of 9.2 million doses of vaccine worth US$63.5 million was accepted from China, 5.5 million doses worth US$35.5 million from India, 0.4 million doses worth US$5.16 million from Russia, and two million doses worth US$17 million from Sasakawa (Nippon Foundation), totalling 17.1 million doses of vaccines worth US$121.12 million. Moreover, Cambodia and Thailand also donated COVID-19 protective equipment. We acknowledged all and thanked them.

The cost of transporting the vaccine was estimated at US$1.97 million and more than K246.531 million. A total of US$278.608 million and K246.532 million were spent on the purchase of the COVID-19 vaccine. The Department of Medical Services has expended more than K28 billion and the Department of Public Health spent K36 billion on the purchase of medicines and equipment required for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Of K60.3 billion expended to upgrade hospitals used in COVID-19 prevention and treatment activities, K12.23 billion were used to purchase emergency oxygen supplies and related devices which are critical for COVID-19 patients. A total of K27.12 billion (K23.12 billion from the COVID-19 central committee and K4 billion from the Ministry of Health) were spent on the total cost of food for COVID-19 patients. Although the COVID-19 vaccination coverage was expected to be 50 per cent completed by December, 51 per cent have been administered, and to date, 53 per cent have been vaccinated.

There are 1,077 hospitals and 11,427 clinics in Myanmar. Of them, 765 hospitals and 7,430 clinics are operational. There are 14,678 doctors and 105,834 medical staff appointed nationwide. Some of them left their jobs due to political extremism irrespective of the lives and health of the people. Therefore, our government recognizes those healthcare workers who served their patients responsibly and faithfully without abandoning them amid the COVID-19 crisis. Members of the Tatmadaw Medical Corps also provided medical assistance at various hospitals and provided medical treatment to the civilians at various military hospitals. Also, retired health professionals and retired members of the Tatmadaw Medical Corps assisted in where necessary. The government awarded K10,944,545,000 (K10.94 billion) in recognition of their healthcare services to health workers.

Our government signed agreements on 31-7-2021 and 27-9-2021 to purchase the China-made Sinopharm vaccine in a ready-to-fill bulk system. Production will begin in February and about 10 million doses will be produced in 2022. As a result, the vaccine can cost at half the original price. At the end of the year 2021, Omicron, a new strain of COVID-19, was discovered from returnees abroad on 28 December 2021. As of 29-1-2022, 283 people were diagnosed with the Omicron variant. Therefore, it is important not to be careless about COVID-19 and adhere to the set rules of personal protection.

Esteemed ethnic nationals,

I’d like to put forward measures on the economic sector before Tatmadaw takes over State responsibilities. During the first term of the democratic government, four economic policies were implemented, with significant reforms for people-centred development. In early 2013, US$5.956 billion in debt relief through talks with members of the Paris Club. The average GDP growth rate over the five years was 7.26 per cent, with foreign investment reaching US$11,628.1 million in foreign currencies ($11.63 billion) and an external trade deficit of $12,096.88 million (over 12.09 billion).

During the second five-year term of the democratic government, foreign investment authorization projects dropped to US$1.8 billion in the last financial year 2019-2020, with GDP growth averaging 3.38 per cent.

The foreign investment amounted to $14,961.3 million in foreign currencies ($14.96 billion) with a trade deficit of US$12,614.17 million (over $12.61 billion).

After the military take-over,

International sanctions, domestic economic situation and foreign incitement have eroded trust in the banking sector and made it harder for the bank to operate, causing difficulties for businesspersons and traders to make payments and merchandise. Due to the depreciation of Myanmar Kyat amid the global COVID-19 outbreak, higher prices in transport and imports (fuel and raw materials) and a drop in demand occurred in the market.

To stabilize the exchange rate and to stock foreign currency required in the market, US$508.8 million was sold to importers of the fuel, edible oil, anti-COVID medical supplies, electric and telecommunication sectors through a special foreign exchange auction rate until 21-1-2022. From the financial year 2016-2017 to the first four months of the financial year 2020-2021, there was a trade deficit of US$12,614.17 million (over US$12.61 billion). During the term of our government, according to the Foreign Trade Statistics in the financial year 2020-2021, export value was US$15.36 billion and import value was US$14.69 billion. As the trade value had registered US$30.05 billion, the trade surplus was pegged at more than US$677 million.

In the first term of the democratic government, there was a total of K16,273 billion in domestic and external debts in the financial year 2011-2012; K18,125 billion in domestic and external debts in the financial year 2012-2013; K21,575 billion in domestic and external debts in the financial year 2013-2014; K22,032 billion in domestic and external debts in the financial year 2014-2015; K27,970 billion in domestic and external debts in the financial year 2015-2016.

In the second term of the democratic government, there was a total of K28,861 billion in domestic and external debts in the financial year 2016- 2017; K34,698 billion in domestic and external debts in the financial year 2017- 2018; K35,550 billion in domestic and external debts in the financial year 2018 (six-month); K40,749 billion in domestic and external debts in the financial year 2018-2019; K47,636 billion in domestic and external debts in the financial year 2019-2020; K52,488 billion in domestic and external debts in the financial year 2020-2021 (six-month).

Domestic and foreign debts have been increasing year by year, and in the long run, we shall need to consider debt resilience, and long-term measures are being taken to recover the declining national economy.

There is a great need for supporting local products to reduce imports and cre ate job opportunities. For example, if the country’s cement plants could work, they could produce more than just domestic sufficiency, however, US$73.610 million were spent on the import of 956,825 tonnes of cement in 2021. Despite the availability of raw materials such as limestone, iron, coal, and dolomites, which can be used to produce cement and steel, the lack of encouragement, support or effort to operate factories make us order them from abroad. We have also lost job opportunities in the country and our nationals have to work abroad. Citizens who are working in foreign countries have to live under the rules and regulations of those countries. They need to live in others’ shadows. They need to work and live happily and safely under the umbrella of our country. Therefore, we need to support our domestic products. In our government term, we are working to reopen iron and steel plants, which were previously shut down. We will work to produce at least steel rods and steel coils used in construction. In 2021, the import of oil, including cooking palm oil, was 858,685.271 tonnes worth US$866.711 million. Therefore, we will work to ensure local oil security and to reduce imports from abroad.

Our country has an estimated population of 55 million. In terms of health, the minimum daily consumption of oil is 2.2 ticals per person, which is approximately eight visses of cooking oil per year, and 0.7 million tonnes of oil consumption in our country. As our country produces edible oil crops like groundnut, sesame, sunflower, soya-bean and palm oil our people are consuming oil more than the minimum amount. Over consuming oil will not only increase the cost individually but affect the individual health and national health as well. Therefore, awareness-raising campaigns are being conducted on the healthy consumption of edible oil to change food consumption and thereby to increase per capita income.

Similarly, I’d like to inform you about fuel consumption. There are over one million cars and six million motorcycles in our country. In 2021, over 4.12 million tonnes of fuel worth US$2,496.652 million were imported. This is due to the weak public transportation system in our country, so people have to rely on their vehicles. This issue needs to be addressed by promoting the use of public transport such as trains, buses, ships, and by reducing individual fuel consumption. Our government is also working to improve the services of public transport. I’d like to urge the public to contribute to the development of the nation by using their fuel consumption sparingly. For example, six million motorcycles could save 125,000 gallons by reducing fuel consumption by half a tin a day. Similarly, one million cars could save 125,000 gallons by reducing fuel consumption by half a bottle per day. At an average price of K6,000 per gallon, it can be reduced to K1.5 billion per day. We need to work together for this and the development of our country.

Access to electricity greatly contributes to the socio-economic development of the country. In our country, natural resources such as water, sun, and wind are existing. Although the cost of investing in the implementation of hydropower projects is high, and the cost can be accurately calculable, the returns are incalculable. In our country, except for the rainy areas, the sunny days in the whole country are 200 to 250 days per year. Therefore, if we could build sufficient solar power plants, it will be able to meet the electricity needs of the country. Although solar power energy is a huge investment for various reasons, the construction time is short and the cost savings are high. If we generate more hydropower, solar power and use low-level LED-based electrical appliances which require lower electricity consumption, it will reduce the amount of our need to import fuel.

The COVID-19 pandemic causes negative impacts upon the economic growth of many countries. In response to the pandemic, our country has also built the K200 billion COVID Fund to address the impacts on the country’s economy from which business people can withdraw loans. The duration of the loan repayment has been extended to the next six months totalling one year now.

During the outbreak of the pandemic, the agriculture and livestock-based economies play a key role despite the decrease in some other business sectors.

Our country is an agricultural and livestock-based nation. There are about 70 per cent of rural people who operate agricultural and livestock breeding businesses. Therefore, it needs “pedigree, soil, water and technique”, which are essentials to improve the production rate in the agricultural sector and we develop proper farmland by combining the natural fertilizer and chemical fertilizers to gain such good pedigrees and also arrange for water and proper farming techniques. Being an agricultural country, the country emphasizes local food security and higher export volume than before. The government also upgrades the regions/states agricultural schools into institutes and colleges to emerge the intellectuals, experts and skilled persons for modern farming industries.

In the Livestock Show and Contest to mark Diamond Jubilee Union Day organized in Nay Pyi Taw, the cattle, including goats and sheep, across the nation participated in the contest. We can see good pedigrees among the local, mixed and foreign categories.

When the food is rare in summer, the local products such as corn, maize, grass and hay and other animal feeds are pro duced well and if we expand that sector, it will bring benefits to the farmers. If we breed systematically, it will also benefit the country and so I would like to add that we should work hard to produce modern livestock breeding experts.

More than 70 per cent of Myanmar population are living in rural areas and the government has to apply effective ways to reduce the poverty and narrow the gap between the regions.

Supporting locally-made products, we made efforts to encourage local products and reduce imports that can be produced in the country. We reopen the businesses and we permit the imports of raw materials and the export for locally-made finished products without the need for an export licence under the relaxing programmes. And as there are delays in the sea route, we eased the import sector for border trade camps. Between 1 February to November 2021, we permitted 27 industries of 12 foreign investments worth US$3,552.396 million under the Myanmar Investment Law, while 37 industries of 12 local investors worth K332,966.380 million were granted.

Esteemed ethnic nationals,

I’d like to highlight social affairs.

Before Tatmadaw takes State responsibilities,

Religious organizations such as Ma Ba Tha, an organization for the protection of race and religion and other organizations that run religious affairs and Parahitas were demolished for various reasons. The pagodas and religious buildings were also closed under the reason of COVID-19 and the propaganda was spread as the State economy declined due to the monks.

Myanmar traditional cultures such as singing, dancing, composing and playing instruments are National Treasures. Previously, the combined dance with Myanmar traditional dance became popular and Myanma culture reached its dangerous level. The religious and cultural arenas were destroyed due to the dance wearing shoes on the terrace of the Shwedagon Pagoda. The moral values of young people regarding Myanma customs and traditions like being faithful to elders, respecting peers and sympathizing with younger ones are also destroyed using online media.

About 87 per cent of our population are Buddhists. During the term of the previous government, they restricted the religious training courses for young students and added the sex education lessons that affect Myanma culture. We need to protect religion from being confused with politics, and we need to conduct systematic measures in order to keep our religion clean and bright. It has infiltrated politicians to the point of concealing the true history and inciting hatred against the military among the youths.

Esteemed ethnic nationals, After Tatmadaw took State responsibilities,

Tatmadaw reopened the pagodas, religious buildings of other religions, which were closed for the reason of COVID-19, to the public starting 8 February 2021 in line with the COVID-19 health rules. Depending on the conditions, we permitted the mass gathering and ceremonies following the rules.

The State Administration Council currently works hard in implementing State stability and genuine democracy in line with the five-point roadmap. It also released pardons for those who were prosecuted at the respective courts of the nation for participating in protests due to the incitements of CRPH and NUG terrorist groups and political extremists on humanitarian grounds, to ease the griefs of the public and participate in the building of nation on the significant days: a total of 47,879 inmates – 23,369 inmates on 12-2-2021, Union Day, 23,184 inmates on 17-4-2021, Myanmar New Year, 1,316 inmates on 18-10-2021, full moon day of Thadingyut and 10 inmates on 20-11-2021. The government will also arrange for those who do not destroy public security and State stability on certain significant days.

The day, 12 February 2022, is our Diamond Jubilee Union Day. The government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar will celebrate Diamond Jubilee Union Day on a grand scale for all ethnic nationals with two points (1) to strengthen the Union Spirit and (2) to accelerate the peacemaking processes.

Our government will undertake three phases step by step — drafting the processes to strengthen the Union Spirit, forming the organizations consisting of ethnic nationals and implementing tasks practically.

We instituted the Ministry of Ethnic Affairs to protect the rights of ethnic nationals. We also arrange to hold the 23rd performing arts competitions Contest (singing, dancing, composing, instrument playing competition) in October 2022 to preserve the national characteristics following the culture and traditions of the ethnic people.

Esteemed ethnic nationals,

I’d like to present further State responsibilities to be discharged according to the current situation of the country:-

-I have already clarified current political issues, security, economy, social affairs and future work plans of the country.

When the government declared State Emergency and took State responsibilities under Section 417 of the Constitution, we put all our hearts and souls into the State responsibilities but we encountered domestic/foreign interferences.

Esteemed ethnic nationals,

The strength of our country within us. We believe and rely on the internal strength of our country.

Our internal strength within our country can enhance our development tasks even though it is necessary to get external assistance.

In the first, our economy will be developed by our internal strength. We have abundant natural resources and human resources. We have weakness in the socio-economic development of the people as we have been relying on external products or import rather than our domestic production.

Secondly, we will build our political strength internally. Building a Union and multiparty democratic system based on democracy and federalism will certainly enhance our political strength.

Thirdly, the defence capability of the country should be strengthened with the participation of all ethnic national people. With united strength both in weals and woes, we all will build the defence capability of our country with modern military prowess (Army, Navy and Air).

I’d like to call for consideration and participation of all ethnic national people.

In concluding,

Full of responsibility and accountability, the Government will make its concerted efforts for the country and people.

The perpetuation of the country and defence services for the people and country is the greatest responsibility of the Tatmadaw.

I pledge a “genuine and disciplined multiparty democratic system” and “building a Union based on democracy and federalism”.

The Government is exerting efforts to implement its commitments. I called for the entire people to cooperate with us so as to achieve a better future for the country and people.

I reiterate our wishes for the good health and well-being of all ethnic nationals.

Thank You