State Counsellor discusses COVID-19 measures of Bago Region through video conferencing

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Chairperson of the National-Level Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), held discussions with health workers and local authorities in Bago Region on their measures against the pandemic.

From the meeting hall of the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw through video conferencing yesterday, the State Counsellor reached Dr Aye Nyein, head of medical services under the Public Health Department of Bago Region, U Kyaw Thu, village tract administrator of Pyinbongyi and Chairman U Myint Aung of the Regional Transport Supervisory Committee.

They held talks on healthcare services for the deputy township administrative officer of Paukkaung Township and his family members who have been infected with the COVID-19 virus, coordination measures against the pandemic in the region, awareness campaign on directives of the Ministry of Health and Sports in coordination with relevant organizations and administrative bodies, medical supplies for hospitals and clinics and educative programmes for the rural people to lessen concerns about the returnees from foreign countries.


The meeting also focused on the decline of travellers, following instructions of regional government on transportation services, livelihood problems of the workers in this sector, disinfection of vehicles and other difficulties.

In her concluding remarks, the State Counsellor said the government was making every effort to provide all the citizens, in addition to the workers of transportation sector, with the assistance in their economic and healthcare problems.

She also explained the welfare plans for transportation workers, requests to all the people not to move around for unnecessary matters— especially making family gatherings and pleasure trips during the holidays of water festival, orders have been issued for public service personnel to remain on duty —except in some important cases such as death in the family, transportation during the Thingyan holidays, welfare provisions for the workers in suspended businesses and other possible assistance.

Regarding the reduction of electricity bills, the State Counsellor said the rate of charges will be adjusted to avoid unfair losses among the stakeholders, including the state, the businesspersons and the people. She emphasized the role of public participation, including civil service staff, as the ongoing crisis is a silver lining to the nation for building up unity, opportunities to turn challenges into benefits of the future, establishing unity among common people, administrative bodies, civil service staff and businesspersons to promote the value of the whole community, consideration about the well-being of people and developing loving-kindness and sympathy among all the people.

The State Counsellor concluded the discussions explaining about the government’s plans for public welfare, and called for all the people to join hands and work in determined efforts with the belief : ‘All for one and one for all’. —MNA


(Translated by Aung Khin)