Strong wind victims receive emergency relief in Hopan Tsp

Hopan, 19 May


Officials from Hopan District Disaster Risk Management provided  emergency relief to strong wind victims in the town of Hopan, Hopan district in “Wa” Self-administered Zone in Shan state yesterday.


Strong wind buffeted the town of Hopan on 14th May, damaging 199 houses and one monastery in six wards and three villages. The department issued K 90000 and 17 kinds of emergency relief each to five households whose houses were destroyed in the strong wind. The department also provided the rest of the victims with financial aid depending on the extent of the damage inflicted to their houses.


The department provided emergency aid and relief worth K 7.567 million to the victims.—Sai Zaw Kham (IPRD)


Translated by Aung Zaw Lin