Tachilek FSD gets a new fire truck

Tachilek 26 June

A handing over ceremony of a fire truck was held at Shan Yoma sports grounds in Tachilek, Eastern Shan State on 25 June.

Firstly, Shan State Minister for Minucipal Affairs U Sai Som Chai delivered an opening address and Director of the Fire Services Department U Tin Min explained matters relating to the fire truck. Next, the minister handed over documents concerning the fire truck to the commander of the Tachilek fire brigade U Kyaw Ko Ko. The fire truck was purchased with the funds allotted by the Shan State government in the fiscal year 2018-2019 and donation made by local people.




The event was also attended by Shan State Chief Minister Dr. Lin Htut, Shan State Minister for Electricity, Energy and Technology U Sai Shan Tis Lon, Shan State Attorney-General U Tin Oo, Amyotha Hluttaw Representative U Sai Lon San Khat, Shan State Lawmaker U Khin Maung Tint, Secretary of Shan State Government U Soe Soe Zaw, entrepreneurs and well-wishers.—IPRD 
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe

