Financing Competency Standards Based Training of Workers
It is generally accepted that occupational competency standards based skills training of workers is likely to better meet employers’ needs for skilled workers.
Climate change: is it real ?
Of course it is! The climate change is really happening and causing havocs all over the Earth. However, most are oblivious to that.
Improving graduate employability

By Dr. Myo Kywai (Hsinbaungwae)

Occupational Competency Standards Based Training

Recently, news reports covered short-term training courses on food and beverage-related oc

A Wake-up Call for Everyone, Natural Hazards
A widely accepted definition characterizes natural hazards as “those elements of the physical environment----------
Improving Health Initiative through Schools
According to the findings in the (2016) Myanmar Demographic Health Survey (MDHS), youth between the age brackets of 15 years to 24 years only a few numbers of youth have the comprehensive knowledge on HIV issues such as 16 percent among the girls and 18 percent among the boys.