Beijing in 'critical situation' with over 100 cluster virus infections

Beijing is in a critical situation with coronavirus prevention following the fresh cluster of infections linked to its Xinfadi wholesale market, said Cai Qi, secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), on Monday.
India's Chennai to reimpose lockdown as coronavirus cases surge
A lockdown will be reimposed Friday on some 15 million people in the Indian city of Chennai and several neighbouring districts, state officials said, as coronavirus cases surge in the region.
6 killed, 10 injured as fire erupts in passenger van in Pakistan's Punjab
Six people were killed and 10 others injured when fire erupted in a van traveling at a motorway in Faisalabad district of Pakistan's east Punjab province on Monday, local media reported.
Thailand eases coronavirus restrictions
Thailand has eased coronavirus restrictions, allowing restaurants to offer alcohol and Muay Thai boxing bouts to be held without spectators.
Bangladesh Minister Sheikh Abdullah Dies of Coronavirus
A Bangladesh government Minister died due to the novel coronavirus, as tests conducted after his death at a hospital in Dhaka revealed he was suffering from COVID-19, officials said on Sunday
Hong Kong Disneyland to reopen after five-month virus closure

Spain to reopen borders starting June 21
Spain will reopen its frontiers with the European Union (EU) countries -- with the exception of Portugal -- on June 21, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced in a televised press conference Sunday.