Car bomb attack hits US convoy in northern Syria

A car bomb attack has struck a convoy of US forces and their Kurdish allies in northern Syria, reportedly killing five people. It's thought to be the second attack by Islamic State militants in less than a week.
Israel carries out air strikes in Syria
Israel's military has carried out two days of massive air strikes in Syria, targeting elite Iranian units.
What next for Brexit? Four main scenarios
British Prime Minister Theresa May presents her new approach to Brexit on Monday, following MPs' crushing rejection of the divorce deal agreed with the EU.
Chinese Spring Festival Temple Fair staged in Zambia
LUSAKA, Jan. 21 (Xinhua) -- The 2019 Spring Festival Temple Fair hosted by the Chinese Embassy in Zambia was successfully staged in Lusaka on Sunday.
11 killed in bus crash in S. Bolivia
A bus carrying a sports delegation crashed into a ravine in southern Bolivia on Sunday, causing at least 11 deaths, a local official said.
Pence: Concrete steps to be discussed with N.Korea
US Vice President Mike Pence says a second US-North Korea summit scheduled for late February is expected to focus on specific steps toward the North's denuclearization.
Estimated 170 migrants missing in Mediterranean
An estimated 170 migrants have gone missing in the Mediterranean in two separate shipwrecks.