We must establish an inclusive society for the nation to flourish

Everyone around the world is working hard for equal rights and opportunities.

Building trust and finding solutions
Ethnic Armed Organization (EAO) signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) and the Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC) Secretariat held a two-day informal meeting in Yangon last week.
Fight poverty to stop forcing children to enter labour force
A fall in child labour goes hand in hand with living standards and a nation’s economy, as well as the levels of education in the country.
United against corruption
We have been witness to the Anti-Corruption Commission dealing with corruption with an iron hand. Corruption and bribery are problems besieging not just Myanmar, but the rest of the world.
Current problems and public perspectives
Myanmar is transitioning from a dark totalitarian nation to a blooming democracy and is facing accusations, challenges, and a bad legacy that are keeping it immensely occupied in this early stage of its journey.
Honesty is essential to prevent unfair competition in the market

13 June

Lack of healthcare must not lead to waste of human capital
The Ministry of Health and Sports has sought ways for providing more effective healthcare services in Leshi, Lahe, and Nanyun townships in the Naga Self-Administered Zone of Sagaing Region, with extended undertakings covering vaccination, nutrition, maternal and child health, hygiene, school health, and environmental cleanliness.