23 fuel oil stations granted across the country in Jan-Feb 2020

MyCO boosts company registration up to 75,000 in 20 months: DICA
The number of companies registered on the online registry system, MyCO, has touched 75,000 in 20 months since the establishment of an online platform, according to the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA).
Over 200,000-tonne fish enters Central Sanpya market: no prices high
During the Covid-19 breakout, more than 200,000 fish and prawn are regularly coming into Kyimyintdine Central Sanpya Fish Market, .............
Eggs, poultry prices jump on rising demand in Covid-19 crisis
The prices of poultry and eggs have slightly risen as the demand grows amid Covid-19 fears, according to the Myanmar Livestock Federation (MLF).
Managing Brand Reputation amid the COVID-19 Crisis
AS the COVID-19 virus (AKA novel coronavirus) has spread around the world, both organizations and individuals have had to make adaptations large and small. And with virus stories dominating the news cycle, if your company is affected directly or indirectly by the virus, the eyes of the world are on your response. That means that any mistakes you make could easily be amplified, but so can positive behaviour.
UMFCCI, associates to sell basic foodstuffs at fairer prices in industrial-zone townships

By Nyein Nyein