THE ceremony to present the flag to ensure success to ath­letes representing the Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Devel­opment who will compete in the Fifth National Sports Festival was held yesterday afternoon at the ministry’s conference hall. Un­ion Minister U Hla Moe, Deputy Minister U Myint Soe, permanent secretaries, directors-general, administrators, coaches, athletes and officials were present.


The Union minister first in­structed them to practise and raise their morale, strive for sports success according to the motto: “The best comes first”, and enhance the honour of the ministry through sports, there­by uplifting the prestige of the country.


The deputy minister then stated that the requirements for success in each sport have been met and preparations have been made. The Union minister also presented the flag to ensure suc­cess to sports team leaders.


At the Fifth National Sports Festival, the Ministry of Cooper­atives and Rural Development will participate in events such as football, volleyball, Sepak Takraw, athletics, and golf with 100 ath­letes. — MNA/TS