Vice-President U Myint Swe inspects development projects in Kachin State

Vice-President U Myint Swe made an inspection tour of development projects in Kachin State yesterday.
Groundbreaking ceremony of new building of Govt. Technology School held in Bago
A ceremony to drive stakes for construction of new building of Bago Government Technology School was held at the compound of Government Technology School in the town of Bago, Bago Region yesterday.
Cash aid provided to pregnant women, children in Shanywathit
An event to provide cash aid to pregnant women and children below two years old was held in ward-2 in the town of Shanywathit, Kayin State yesterday. 
Grass roots in Naungtayar furnished with government’s COVID-19 cash aid
Officials from the township Department of Social Welfare provided cash assistance to the families who have very limited and irregular income amid the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in the town of Naungtayar, the Pa'O Self-Administered Zone, Shan State (South) this morning.
Fire simulation conducted in Kyangin Township
A fire drill, jointly organized by the township Fire Services Department and Development Affairs Committee, was conducted in conjunction with a knowledge sharing event about the risks of fire at the compound of Myoma Market in the town of Kyangin, Hinthada District in Ayeyarwady Region yesterday.
Two rural bridges under construction in Mongphyat Twsp
Development Supervisory Office under the Shan State Ministry of Security and Border Affairs in Kengtung is building two rural bridges in Mongphyat Township in the current financial year.
New indoor stadium opens in Salingyi Twsp
An event to inaugurate a new indoor stadium was held in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region on the morning of January 28.