People with irregular income in Mingala Taungnyunt receive cash aid

Officials from the township Department Social Welfare provided cash assistance to the families who have very limited and irregular income amid the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in Mingala Taungnyunt Township, Yangon Region this morning on a door to door basis.
Stake-driving ceremony for new buildings of Govt. Technology School held in Hpa-an Twsp.
A ceremony to drive stakes for construction of new buildings of Hpa-an Goverment Technology School was held at near industrial zone in Sanfri village track, Hpa-an Township, Kayin State yesterday.
Loans disbursed to implement emerald green projects in Gangaw Twsp.
With the aim of boosting the income of local people and their socio-economic status, loans to implement emerald green projects were disbursed to local farmers at the meeting room of General Administration Department in Gangaw Township, Magway Region yesterday.
Inter-village road benefits Natmauk Twsp locals 

Natmauk, 28 January

IDPs in Namtu Twsp get cash assistance from Danish philanthropic group

Namtu, 28 January

Water supply projects being implemented in Homane Twsp
With the aim of solving water scarcity in summer season, water supply projects and related works are being undertaken in Homane, Langkho District, Shan State (South) in 2020-2021 FY. 
Cash aids provided to households with irregular income in Hlaingthaya (West) Twsp
A ceremony to provide cash aids to households with irregular income in Hlaingthaya (West) Township, Yangon Northern District was held at a congregation hall in Ward-14 on January 28.