Speech delivered by State Counsellor at 72nd anniversary of Kachin State Day in Myitkyina

I am delighted to be present at the celebrations of the 72nd anniversary of Kachin State Day. Being here with the union brethren here today shows how much we respect our nation, ..............
Stake-driving ceremony for construction of staff housing held in Thanpyuzayat

Thanbyuzayat 10 January

Thai gov’t deports undocumented migrant workers to Kawthoung

Kawthoung 10 January

Elephant foot yam cultivation training course opened in Falam

Falam 10 January

Children literacy festival takes place in Kantbalu

Kantbalu 10 January

Outstanding students honored in Seikphyu

Seikphyu 10 January

Four-storey hospital construction works 75% completed in Bago town
The construction of a four-storey “Aung Thukha” hospital in the compound of 500-beded people’s hospital has been so far 75 percent finished in the town of Bago, Bago region.