School facility opens in Phakant Township
An inauguration of a two-storey building was held in a basic education high school (branch) in Pharpyin Village, Phakant Township in Kachin State yesterday morning.
Rural water supply tasks being undertaken in Kanma Township
The department dug up tube-wells, repaired earthen lakes, installed water tanks and set up water treatment plants in four separate villages by spending Ks. 133.82 million allotted in the fiscal year 2018-2019. All tasks are undertaken by inviting a tender to the private companies and the projects have been about 40 percent finished, said an official from the DRD.
Crematory being constructed in Hsinbyukyun Township
Construction of a crematory and a fence for the compound of the cinerarium are being undertaken in Ward-3, Hsinbyukyun Township in Magway Region, according to the construction committee.
Portuguese team films cultural heritage sites in Yangon

4th coordination meeting held for drafting NCRPD annual report

Ayeyawady dolphin found dead in Mandalay