Over 530 jobs to be created as a result of recent Myanmar Investment Commission approval

The Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) meeting (11 / 2019) was convened at the meeting room of the MIC on the morning of 10th July 2019 in Yangon. U Thaung Tun, Chairman of the MIC, and (9) members attended the meeting.
Union Minister Thura U Aung Ko attends opening ceremony of head office of Asian Buddhist Community
An opening ceremony of the head office of Asian Buddhist Community (ABC), under the aegis of the Myanmar Theravada Buddhist Federation ............
MCU Council confers Honorary Doctorate Degree on Thura U Aung Ko
The Council of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University-MCU of Thailand conferred an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Public Administration on Union Minister for Religious Affairs ............
NPE opens advertising section in Nay Pyi Taw
The News and Periodicals Enterprise (NPE) has opened their advertising section for Nay Pyi Taw at office No 7 of the Ministry of Information yesterday.
State Counsellor attends meeting on celebrating centenary of Yangon University
Steering Committee on Holding Centenary of Yangon University Chairperson State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi attended ..........
Legal Aid Board office opens in Paukkhaung
The Legal Aid Board’s office was opened in Ward-4 in Paukkhaung Township, Bago Region this morning.
Public talks on rural development held in Pandaung Tsp.
Public talks titled “rural development”, organized by the Township Information and Public Relations Department were, held at Dhamayone in Kantku Village, Pandaung Township, Bago Region this morning.