E-learning platform introduced for final years of nursing, midwifery diploma courses

MoC discusses promoting domestic fish consumption

YRTA operates 4th trip of Yangon-Cocogyun vessel

Developmental works to be implemented in Pakokku District
The Department of Rural Development will implement village development projects in 85 villages in Pakokku District, Magway Region during 2020-2021 FY. 
Installation of solar panels in Wuntho Tsp. inspected
Installation of solar panels in Bonchaung village, Wuntho Township, Kawlin District, Sagaing Region was inspected by officials from Department of Rural Development on January 6.
Relief items provided to fire victims in Hlaingthaya (West)
A ceremony to provide relief items and cash aids to two households experiencing risk of fire in Kalaygyi village-tract in Hlaingthaya (West) Township, Yangon was held at the Township General Administration Department on January 5.