Seven people tested negative for COVID-19 in Rikhawdar

Seven people who are placed under observation at a facility quarantine center in the town of Rikhawdar in Chin State have undergone a COVID-19 test and the result turned out negative, according to the town Department of Health.
Mass immunization campaign conducted in Tachilek Twsp.
Under the guidance of Ministry of Health and Sports, staff from the town Department of Health conducted a mass immunization campaign in conjunction with a knowledge sharing event about the danger of COVID-19 pandemic in the town of Tarlay, Tachilek District, Shan State(East) this morning.
73rd Independence Day held in Zabuthiri Tsp, Nay Pyi Taw 
The 73rd Independence Day was held at Zabuthiri Township General Administration Department in Dekkhina District, Nay Pyi Taw on January 4.
No pain, no gain: With efforts of both physical and mental pain Our Independence in 1948 regained

VMS control sub-centre inaugurated in Rakhine State on 3 January

Rural road being built in Pwintbyu Tsp., Magway Region
A rural road is being built with the funds of Magway Regional Government in Pwintbyu Township, Magway Region starting from December 8, 2020.
Rural electrification facilities inaugurated in Bago Region
Inauguration ceremonies of rural electrification facilities were held in Taungtha, Htonbo and Kyayin villages in Taungoo Township and Singwe village in Yedashe Township, Bago Region on January 2.